My new favorite art supply..

I am writing to share with you that the discovery I have had while filming my new online workshop, “Expanding on Color”, is still growing and growing. I can honestly say that my artistic practice has expanded significantly because of that workshop, and it remains true today, that if you were to ask me to recommend just one workshop, “Expanding Color” would be the ONE.

I recently wrote about the difficultly I had while painting my latest painting, “Yes it Is” on my Instagram account. This painting fought with me for over 2 weeks before I was able to resonate with the composition. Even though I had carefully planned and tested out the paint colors that I wanted to use on my “swatch sheet” (this is my new favorite “best practice”) prior to painting, something was in the air those couple of weeks that caused a big block for me. I have been painting for a long time, so it was easy for me to recognize when blocks happen and that I need to be patient and relax while I iron things out.

My latest bright blue abstract painting, “Yes it Is”. Available here.

My latest bright blue abstract painting, “Yes it Is”. Available here.

So, in that new workshop, we talk about pigments and color theory. I am making a new sheet of colors for every painting I start, even though the triads that I use are frequently repeated. This process helps me relax and discover the colors that I want to use for each painting rather than a color wheel, which will be the same every time you look at it. I have studied a lot of the color workshops that I am seeing online and I feel that the information and processes we teach in this workshop would be the most widely used. I also feel that these are processes that I will never get tired of!

I am kicking myself for not starting this process sooner, but I am keeping a log and a book of all of the sheets in conjunction with process photos of the paintings. Got to love a journal!

A great place for exploration and process recordings: My new journal with paintings and supply record.

A great place for exploration and process recordings: My new journal with paintings and supply record.

What do you think? Do you keep a record of your color mixes? Let me know in the comments below.