I'm worried about the cost of good art supplies..

I get “a-ha” moments all of the time..but only a few of them cause me to stop in my tracks, drop everything and to sit down and write about them. Hear me out: Your concerns about Golden paint being too expensive is the exact, numero uno reason why you should enroll in my “Expanding on Color” online workshop. It’s true.

File footage of Julie Prichard and Chris Cozen, expanding on Color. Lectures are included in the workshop!

File footage of Julie Prichard and Chris Cozen, expanding on Color. Lectures are included in the workshop!

This morning, I was painting, and I decided that I wanted to expand my collection of pigments from the Golden OPEN line. With budget in mind, I knew I couldn’t rush out like I used to do and purchase the entire line (or close to it) only having colors sit in their packages- sometimes with very little use, because I didn’t like how they reacted with other paints. Like many of you, I need to get the biggest bang for my buck right now.

Flashback to a couple of months ago. A couple of month’s ago, I took the time to learn about all of my pigments. Since I began painting seriously back in 2009, I have never taken a time-out for this exploratory process. The result of my work, is now captured in my notebook and I have the best reference tool I have ever made myself! And the notebook grows and changes daily!

The “Expanding on Color” workshop does NOT teach you how to tint out every color in your art studio. What is DOES teach you is information about the make-up of your paints, so that you can mix color without wasting any paint and have a good understanding of what is going to happen the minute you start to mix with a new color! I highly recommend that all artists complete this process. We’re talking SCIENCE!

My paint journal, now housed with the legwork for every new painting I create.

My paint journal, now housed with the legwork for every new painting I create.

My color journal is in its infancy. But already, I know there are a small trio of colors that I prefer working with over all others; just three colors that I know will keep me entertained for a very long time. I now know how many colors (I have a record right in front of me now!) I can mix with these three colors, and guess what- the combination is nothing I had mixed with prior to the discovery in my new workshop! Yep- even for me, I am learning new things as a result of “Expanding on Color”.

Thankfully, I am now able to edit my shopping cart online, and drop down to a really reasonable expense. I am so excited not only about the money I will be saving in art supplies, but about the future of a palette I know I’ll love when the paints arrive.

For more information on my new online workshop, click here and take a brief scroll. There is a promo video at the end of the details that I filmed to try and let you know everything you will get when you register.

Have to run, there is a large painting calling my name as I write this! See you next time. 😊