The Abstract Painting Process

I usually take progress photos throughout the process of each abstract painting I create. The photos help me study the paintings in-between studio sessions. I am also able to gauge how the paintings will look online, which is where I complete all of my sales. I am building quite a collection of these photos and I often share them with commentary with the students in my online teaching network.

“Modern Landscape” 30x30” Abstract painting now available on

Take a look at the stages of this painting in the images below. I know there are a lot of different ways to layer acrylic paint. In my process, I am layering both translucent and opaque pigments to create complexity and depth. Most people refer to my paintings as rich and vibrant. People who see my art in person mention that the colors are “vibrating”. That makes me happy. Having said that, these effects cannot be created with one layer of paint. There are days of layering and “fine tuning” each painting. I want all of my collectors to feel like they have something special that they could not have created themselves.

Process photos of my abstract painting, “Modern Landscaping”, 2021.

Step 1 is how many people begin their paintings. It is the process that I teach on my class videos. I think what gets more difficult is knowing what to do to get to step 2 and 3… the middle stages of the painting. This process becomes easier with practice for sure; As does the knowing WHY to take the painting from step 1 to 4, how to preserve special areas you love in the painting and how to highlight those areas in the final composition.

If you would like a coach to help you through this process, please know that I offer free assistance to everyone who joins any of my online workshops. Students can email or reach me on facebook every day. We have a great group of images of different paintings in process with helpful notes and discussion under each that I am proud to comment on.

The best content that I offer to all students is housed in the “Expanding on Color” workshop. I think this workshop is the most important content I have ever created. The class takes you through understanding color, pigments and mixing colors. You will learn how I create harmonious palettes and how I complete visual layering as shown in the painting above. We cover a load of information in a few lectures in the workshop and then work through 2 unscripted paintings using the lecture information. You can learn and then put the knowledge to good use!

It has always been my goal to offer affordable online workshops that you paint through, and then use that information in all of your future work! I am always happy to hear from you as much as you need me.

For information on my online workshops, please click here. I’d love to paint with you.