I've Got Something to Say..

I can’t believe I have not mentioned this on my blog yet.. grab a cup of coffee, this might be a long one.

I have been posting the scams I receive by email on my Instagram account. If you have not seen them, most of them are along these lines: Buyer comes in through your website and professes their love for your art. The alleged buyer then states he is looking for an anniversary gift (or some other occasion) for his wife, and he would like you to contact him regarding “works” you have for sale. And although the prices and all my works are easily accessible to everyone right here on my website, he then states his budget and asks if I would be open to accepting a check in exchange for the art.


The emails are usually all the same or with very close details. You see the writing on the wall. You send the art, the check sits and then the check bounces and you are out the money and your paintings. Please don’t fall for this.

Well, recently I was emailed another opportunity for a business to take advantage of an artist, and I can’t help but wonder how many people are falling for this as well. Below is an attachment that I received via email. I have removed all of the contact details. I have also attempted to contact the sender of this email, yet my email went unanswered.

Artist Scam.jpg

The wording of this email starts out the same as all of the other emails I have received. The author gushes about my work and states the following (I’ll cut out the contact details):

Hello Julie,

We are contacting you on behalf of (censored), host of HGTV’s hit show (censored). Your art caught (censored) eye at the Plaza Art Fair, and she wanted to reach out to you. We use art on the show for staging homes, and it really takes our designs to the next level. Attached is our Artist Collaboration form with all of the information you would need. Please let us know if you’re interested!
— Email

First and foremost, I was never at the “Plaza Art Fair”- perhaps this was sent to me in error.

Fair enough.

However, if you take a moment to break down this email, you may see some things that are very disturbing. The fact that the TV Show host’s retail store would take 50% of the sale of any of the art did not stun me..that’s kind of common, unfortunately. Also pretty normal for me to have to pay to ship everything to the people.. but what caught my eye was what I highlighted in blue. Did you see that? They won’t return the art if they don’t sell it.. I should consider it a donation.

Stop the press.

Donate my art to a show hosted on HGTV? Donate my art to a host who appears to be living a fantastic lifestyle, with a larger social media presence than me.. with a store and a staff to write these emails? (Naturally, all this could be fake as well, but does not appear so from her social media page.)

As artists, we should not accept offers like this. I’m talking any industry artist..from graphic designer, to illustrator, photographer, web designer.. no one. There is no “exposure” worth this “donation”.

Art supplies cost a fortune. I bet if you calculated my hours working as an artist vs my salary, it would come out at about $2/hour. It’s low..if you’re an artist you know this.

I spend a load of time on social media trying to expand my reach myself. I am my marketing and publicity department. All me.. I analyze likes, followers, exposure, engagement, ad nauseam. You’re looking at a 1% return rate on something like this, in my opinion (if you think I am wrong, show me stats…which would involve you showing me your tax records lol). In the current COVID economy? I don’t know..it feels desperate, like all stats are out the window anyway..

So before you get excited about an opportunity that comes in through your email, you can ask me my opinion if you want.. I am seeing it all. But together, as creatives, we need to get the respect we deserve.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this..comment below and I’ll be here to read and chime in some more!