You Can Have It All This Week

….all on sale, that is! It’s a rare event..I have all of the online workshops on sale this week through January 2nd only.. with no additional sales in the immediate forecast. I don’t know about you, but on vacation, it seems like I am more busy than I am during a regular week! I am enjoying a few minutes here and there where I can lay down some paint and keep on going with my day. Here is a painting I’ve been working on here and there this week:

Busy with what? TENNIS. The girl plays tennis every day… I was able to bring my camera out to take some updated photos of her.. like this one:

and this one… the tennis facility is not close to home, so usually, I stay near it for a few hours every day.

With my workshops, you can watch some, paint some, go to tennis, and resume when you get back home. LOL I’ll always be online every day to check on you… Click here to see the deals.