Majestic, She Said It

I am having a great time firing up my paint muscles and working on these small pieces of canvas. While I was wrapping up this painting, my daughter walked by and said, "That's majestic." OK! Thanks! (Continued)

"Majestic" 2017, original mixed media painting. Click here to purchase.

There is something so weird happening in San Diego right now.... trivial compared to what's happening globally.. our NFL team left us. Now..they have been saying they were going to leave for a long time...but this time, they actually left. The fans I know (including myself) feel  betrayed and's like a bad break-up. We're left with wondering what to do with our team gear....what to do on Sundays, who to cheer for... a load of unprecedented questions. I've always stood by our old team...through thick and thin....and let me tell you....there was a WHOLE LOT Of thin... but I always came back..because they were my "home team". I am a 3rd generation San Diego native....they were all of our "home team".

Next season when football (NFL) starts.... they won't be there. They moved, changed their logo, name and uniform.. I guess it's like dating... I've pledged my allegiance to the Seahawks... and I watched their playoff game today.. but I don't feel anything if they win or loose. Hopefully I can get that passion back...because I really love football. Has this ever happened in your city? What did you do?? Please help me.


An Old Fan