In Review- My Own "Best Of"

Hi there! I am working feverishly on all fronts here. Holiday spirit, sick child and filming a new's got me booked up every day this week (well, I hope not the sick child part) and I have not had time to create any new art to share. I decided to pluck some of my favorites from my files and share them again for the rest of the year. I hope you enjoy these pieces as much as I do!

"Roped Up" was a 9x12" acrylic piece that was made specifically for a collaboration I participated in earlier this year. I made it back in February... I am happy to report that said collaboration will be featured in a magazine in March..stay tuned for more info on that.

My favorite part of this piece is the string visible in the lower third of the painting. A part of an old book jacket was collaged to this piece and the rope is leftover form the old binding. I was thrilled to find that paper in my collection when I made this art.

Thank you for stopping in today! Your comments mean a lot to me..I'm slow to respond, but please know I appreciate you. xo

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