What's Your Color Theory? #mixedmedia

Look at this color! These roses are probably about a day too old, but the color..I can't get enough of it. Look at all of the different pink tones in this small bouquet!

No filter in post for these.. just raw, rose, beautiful color..

These petals...they mirror how I like to paint.. Analogous color, blended smoothly from one color to the next. I can show you how to do this..

Do you hesitate when choosing color in your art? Do you need help blending so that the color in your paintings looks like these petals? Our huge online workshop, "Color: Beyond the Basics is the class for you.. learn everything about the paint you already have in your house...or we can recommend some for you to pickup if you are starting from scratch! Once you complete all of the lessons in this class...you'll be painting like mother nature...and it will be easy.

...and just because it's Halloween week, I'll give you $10 off Color: Beyond the Basics if you purchase it before Sunday morning. Click here for more info.