Do you like to blog?



When I close my eyes, I try and picture the "interviewer". Almost always, he (yes, the voice inside my head asking these questions is male) strongly resembles "Jake Blues"..and he smokes cigarettes.

(...continued from here.)

Interviewer: I was saying…do you like to blog?

Julie: Most of the time I do. I like that I am able to check in with artists from all over the world and see what they’re up to. I’ve made a lot of friends that way.

Interviewer: What else?

Julie: I receive feedback on the artwork I make…and I feel good being able to offer tips and tricks to people who ask for them.

Interviewer: What could be so bad about that?

Julie: Sometimes I am frustrated that words I write of things I create are not “taken” as I intended them to be.

Interviewer: But you realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right?

Julie: I guess. I also think that everyone should have the same opinion I do…

Interviewer: Are you kidding?

Julie: Do you have to ask?

Interviewer: Do you like reading blogs?

Julie: I refresh my feed list a couple of times every day. There are over 250 blogs on there.

Interviewer: You read them all?

Julie: Uh…most of the time I look at pictures. If the picture grabs my attention, I go in for the read. I read almost all of them through my RSS feeds.

Interviewer: How come you don’t read all of them?

Julie: There is not enough time in the day. I enjoy the visual stimulation from the blogs on my feed list. My primary goal is to browse through them for entertainment…not to email every person every day.

Interviewer: Who said you have to email every person every day?

Julie: Artful Blogging.

Interviewer: They did?

Julie: Yes. They mentioned in the last issue that you should take the time to respond to every comment that you receive on your blog.

Interviewer: Do you?

Julie: Up until about a week ago I did. I emailed a response to every person who commented on my blog.

Interviewer: And then what happened?

Julie: I got fed up.

Interviewer: Really?

Julie: Yes. I am not fed up with receiving comments, everyone likes comments. I think I made myself crazy wondering if people were commenting just to pay back comment or if they really liked my work.

Interviewer: And then?

Julie: And then I was wondering if people who I left comments for thought I was only leaving comments to get comments back from them. It got out of control.

Interviewer: How so?

Julie: In my head. My head got out of control.

Interviewer: So what do you do now?

Julie: Now I answer when I can and post when I can. Someone as compulsive as me needs to be able to browse so much every day….in order to keep up with my insane demand for visual stimulation, I have to be fast.

Interviewer: What about quality?

Julie: Exactly…I need to be able to post quality comments and posts…that’s just me. I want everything to be good.

Interviewer: Catholic school?

Julie: Hey- you’re pretty good.

(to be continued…)


Jake and Elwood Blues: Image courtesy of wikipedia